Mentorship Program

Mentorship allows you to have personal and intentional 1 on 1 sessions with our Vibrant.Global team. These mentors are trained in spiritual listening and pastoral care and will allow your spirit to be set free and allow you to experience peace and love.
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Mentor Booking

Rose Wenceslao
Mentor and Coordinator
Rose曾是苹果公司的商业专家,为苹果公司建立商业活动框架的同时也对员工进行培训和指导。她以独特的方式装备和培养企业家的商业创意。她也是国际企业培训和个人发展业务中的一员,她的愿景是帮助企业、商业机构和个人得到转变和提升进而使他们实现自己的目标和愿景。她作为讲师曾经在全世界20多个国家进行超过60次的分享。她最大的乐趣就是帮助别人实现自己的呼召、目的和使命。Rose在身心平衡和天然/有机食物领域是研究者、导师以及专家。她还获得了以下证书:声慧教练,启示性健康导师、艺术治疗师、真实生意咨询师、内在医治艺术者、HUBER咨询师、溪水国际认证讲师等。 Rose was a business expert at Apple, where she trained and mentored its employees while establishing a framework for its business activities. She equips and nurtures entrepreneurs' business ideas in a unique way. She is also part of the International Business Training and Personal Development business, whose vision is to help businesses, business organizations and individuals transform and elevate them to achieve their goals and visions. As a lecturer, she has shared more than 60 times in more than 20 countries around the world. Her greatest pleasure is helping others achieve their calling, purpose, and mission. Rose is a researcher, mentor and expert in the field of mind-body balance and natural/organic food. She has also received the following certificates: Vocal Coach, Revelatory Health Mentor, Art Therapist, Real Business Consultant, Inner Healer Artist, HUBER Consultant, Stream International Certified Lecturer, etc.

Joshua Teo
Mentor and Facilitator
Joshua is Co-founder and Principal at 'Rhindon', a design thinking and placemaking practice. He is one of the early pioneers of Design Thinking in Singapore with more than 12 years of experience in helping organisations create user-centred customer experiences. He believes the key to great design starts with a deep understanding of the human condition and that design when applied creatively as a system, is a powerful tool to bring about sustainable positive change and transformation.

Billy Kwan
Billy毕业于伦敦大学巴特雷特建筑学院。他从事各种规模的城市和社区设计及改造项目,在企业、非营利组织和学术界拥有超过 13 年的咨询和项目管理经验。由于他擅长策略性发展以及促进能力,他在公共和私人领域均精通空间规划以及社区促进项目。Billy 于 2013 - 2017 年成为香港一家独立非营利性非政府组织的策展人,并以“市民为中心”通过空间规划的方式改造了公共空间。
Trained as an urban planner at The Bartlett, UCL, Billy has more than 13 years of consultancy and project management experience in the private sector, not-for-profit and academia on urban, social and community projects of various scale. With his strengths in strategic development and activation, he is well-versed in placemaking strategies and community activation projects, both in the public and private arena. Billy was a curator of an independent non profit NGO in Hong Kong in 2013 – 2017, and transformed public space with tactical placemaking projects with a citizen-centric approach.

Ben Ivatts
From Perth, Western Australia - qualified as a heavy vehicle diesel technician, worked for 5 years in the industry understanding the diagnostic processes involved in problem faulting, finding and solutions. 8 years experience in the market supply chain for fruit and vegetables in Western Australia, working as a produce broker. Gaining understanding in micro and macro economics, setting a price on a product/understanding it’s worth based on market trends and information. 6 years helping establish a business trading fruit and vegetables on a national scale. Involved in importing and exporting stock around Australia in all avenues of trade ranging from wholesalers, restaurants, cafes, independent grocery stores, mainstream supermarkets. Accumulating a broad experience in farming practices through to what is involved in selling the final product to a consumer. Currently living in Redding, California studying at bethel with his wife Courtney.

Shirley Qiu
Shirley是一个全方位且富有经验的商业领袖以及导师。她对于发展人们身上的领导力具有很强的热情。她在英国伯明翰大学主修了IT以及MBA,在上述领域拥有丰富的经验和专业知识。因着她的专业背景,她意识到对于组织以及个人成长拥有正确的认知是一件无比重要但却经常被大家忽视的议题。她获得了约翰麦克斯韦认证培训师以及ACTA 资格证书以更好地帮助个人以及企业不断发展。
Shirley is an all-rounded experienced business leader and trainer with a strong passion for people and leadership development.
With a rich experience and expertise in IT and a MBA in University of Birmingham, she saw how important, and also neglected, having the right values in organizations and personal growth was.
Her passion for transforming individuals and organizations and nurturing leaders was what drove her to become a John Maxwell-Certified Trainer and obtaining an ACTA certificate.
With her unique training approach, Shirley is committed to transforming organizations and enabling individuals.

Wai Kam Mok
Trainer and Mentor
Wai Kam Mok is married to his lovely wife Pariya and has three young children, Hudson, Shiloh and Grace. He has over 17 years as an architect, co-founded JAB Architect Design in Australia in 2010. Addition, Wai also presently in Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) as instructor in Civil Engineer department. He devoted and passionate in mentoring new generations's personal development journey.

Jeremy Chng
Trainer and Mentor
Jeremy的工作从 IT 起步,在石油和天然气领域拥有超过 12 年的经验。他生意涉及的领域十分广泛,从水到高科技游艇,并热衷于发现新的商业机会。
他喜欢释放生命中的力量,成为他人的帮助,并以真理为中心来生活。 Jeremy Chng 常驻新加坡,与雪莉结婚,育有三个漂亮的孩子,分别是Elysa、Zane 和 Elina。
Started in IT, horn experience in Oil & Gas for over 12 years, running a broad spectrum of businesses from water to high tech yarht and having passion to identify new business opportunities.
He loves to unleash life, being a platform for others and draws on the heart of truth. Jeremy Chng based in Singapore, married with Xue Li with three beautiful kids, Elysa, Zane and Elina.

Maddie Keating
Mentor and Facilitator
Maddie 居住在洛杉矶,目前在一家专注社会影响领域的教育科技初创公司工作。她拥有非营利工作背景,曾与多家世界五百强公司共同致力于推动企业社会责任以及社会影响力。她在三年前帮助设立了当地的非营利组织,并一直负责那里的社区服务项目。在她空闲的时间里,她喜欢在博客里写故事和诗歌来分享真理。她热爱看到人们在日常的生活中拥有永恒的自由和生命转变。她也相信人们会因着人性中的光释放出慷慨的力量。
Maddie is a Los Angeles resident currently working in the social impact space at an education technology startup. She has a nonprofit background, having worked with Fortune 500 companies on their corporate citizenship and social impact goals. Maddie has also worked for her local Non-profit sector, she helped plant in Los Angeles 3 years ago and that she is still currently running their community outreach programs. In her spare time, she enjoys writing for her blog where she loves conveying truth through the power of story and poetry. Her passion is to see permanent transformation and freedom lived out daily by people and to see the power of generosity released for the sake of humanity.

Patrick Loh
Mentor and Facilitator
Patrick是帮助人们打破自身行为和信念限制的教练和治疗师。经过时间的检验,Patrick的方法可以帮助人们释放压抑在心中或身体里不健康的情绪从而为他们赋能以实现人生最大的潜能。Patrick 被认证为专业行为分析师,真实生意咨询师以及神经语言咨询师。
Patrick Loh is a transformational coach and therapist that helps people break out of their limiting patterns of beliefs and behaviours. By incorporating time tested somatic approaches, Patrick helps people to release trapped toxic emotions from the mind and body and empowers people to live out their fullest potential. Patrick Loh is certified as a Professional Behaviour Analyst, an Authentic Business Facilitator, as well as Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner.

Kris Tay
Trainer and Mentor
Kris Tay 于 2010 年 3 月在恩菲尔德接受了由罗伯特·拉斯穆森带领的“乐高认真玩”培训。从那时起,她一直与罗伯特密切合作,在新加坡、马来西亚和中国组织协调培训课程。 Kris 专注于使用“乐高认真玩”为各行各业的不同客户定制相应的工作坊。她毕业于新加坡国立大学,获得工商管理学位。 2014 年,Kris 获得了伦敦音乐学院的公共演讲认证。在2015年,她被世界行动学习研究所认证为行动学习教练。 Kris 的热情奉献和丰富的经验提升了她在担任培训师和鼓励者时的果效。她对触动以及改变生命的热情推动了她的工作。
Kris Tay was trained by Robert Rasmussen in THE LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method in Enfield in March 2010. Since then, she has been working closely with Robert in organizing the Facilitator Training sessions in Singapore, Malaysia and China under Rasmussen Consulting Singapore.
Kris focuses on customizing and delivering workshops using the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Method with various clients across all industries.
She graduated with a degree in Business Administration from the National University of Singapore. In 2014, Kris attained her Licentiate in Public Speaking from the London Academy of Music. She is also a Certified Action Learning Coach with the World Institute of Action Learning since 2015.
Kris’ passionate dedication and her plethora of experiences contribute to her effectiveness as a trainer and facilitator. Most importantly, her work is fuelled by her passion in touching and transforming lives.

Courtney Spanbroek
Courtney来自珀斯,她是澳大利亚的一名国家级游泳运动员,19岁已成为合格的游泳教练并与奥林匹克运动员和教练一起执教。她在 23 岁开始了自己的事业,在珀斯中央商务区的一个名为 Kingsway 游泳俱乐部进行教学。7 年来,该俱乐部成为澳大利亚 Instagram 上关注度最高的游泳企业。Courtney一直执教州及国家游泳和铁人三项运动员。她热衷于教授游泳以及培训教练,以将游泳俱乐部发挥全部的潜力。Courtney目前与她的丈夫住在加州雷丁,在伯特利学习及受训,以在美国开展事业和事工。
Courtney, hailing from Perth WA- was a competitive swimmer in Australia racing at national level in her teenage years before becoming a qualified swimming coach at 19. Courtney coached alongside Olympic athletes and coaches in her formative years before She launched her own business at age 23 in swimming coaching and teaching at a college pool in the Perth CBD called Kingsway swimming club. Over the 7 years the club became the highest followed swimming business in Australia on Instagram. Courtney has coached state and national swimmers and triathletes over the years. It was her passion Teaching the disciplines of swimming training and competing as well as training coaches and teachers to grow the business and swimming club to the aquatic facility’s full capacity. Courtney currently resides in Redding California with her husband, studying and training at Bethel Church to launch a business and ministry in America.

Nicole Foo
Trainer and Mentor
Nicole在伦敦圣马丁学院主修平面设计专业,她在毕业后担任东南亚著名广告公司战略部门的领导者,并且成为该公司第一位创意战略家。她曾为SPCA、大华银行、娇韵诗、贝肤黛玛、三菱和雅马哈进行过品牌推广。她还从事业务发展并且帮助生产部门以及零售部门的协作奠定基础。她目前也在和The Fig Branch 探索广告之外的交流。
Nicole Foo trained in graphic design at the prestigious Central St Martins College in London and went on to pioneer the strategy department at a Southeast Asian boutique advertising agency as their first Creative Strategist. She has worked on campaigns for brands such as SPCA, UOB, Clarins, Bioderma, Mitsubishi and Yamaha. She also specialized in business development and set up groundwork for the agency to branch into collaborative production and retail arms. She is currently exploring communications outside of advertising with The Fig Branch.

Bonnie Lam
Trainer and Mentor
Bonnie于2018年成立了国际无敏食品协会(Free from Foods International Association),希望从教育层面、外出用餐和家庭角度出发,提供更全面的无敏饮食解决方案。协会也于2018年7月主办了首个「香港无敏节」——全球第一个关于无敏食品的大型活动,以1,111个无麸质面包砌出字「FREE」成功创下健力士世界纪录,喻意无致敏源和食得自由;2018年10月开设「一煮教室」--全球首个云端网上无敏烹饪平台,一年后2019年10月推出香港首个双向直播课程。